Thursday, January 15, 2009

Day Ten

YIPPEE! Today's is Baby Day!

I'm now a proud (substitute) Auntie to a 9 pound, 10 oz baby Boy named Keon James DeOliveira. I actually knew this morning when I made my other post - however that was technically yesterday when I didn't know.

Stephie got to go visit today, and I'm not so patiently waiting for her to get home and post pictures of the big little guy!

other news - mtg at clients office went fine. And by fine I mean again we had the conversation that I'm not right and everyone else is. And that I'm task oriented and apparently that's wrong if your a supervisor.

Problem 1 - never asked to be a supervisor, never really wanted to be one.
Problem 2 - i've always been task oriented it's really the only thing I can do in order to not have a panic attack every day. I feel like it may be a stressful year.

thats it, i'm too excited at the chance of seeing the pics to write anymore.


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