Sunday, March 22, 2009

Day Seventy-Four & Five

Well my prediction was very wrong. But i'm coming to terms with it.

No Sewing. Not much of anything really. I think its safe to say that for the last few months i've been in a real funk. Lacking motivation of any kind. I didn't get up until late morning yesterday and didn't go out with Paul in the morning to get the car tuned-up. When he got in, he didn't want to go back out. After sleeping more in the early afternoon, I got up and went down to kensington. I needed to get some stuff for the knit swap next weekend. It was a good walk - although I wore bad shoes and my feet were not happy.

I thought it would make sense to stop at Dufferin mall to look for some new ones, but i had no luck, and just got my frustrated with myself. I called paul to see if he could come and get me, and as usual he very nicely said yes.

We stayed in and watched the hockey game and had a nice night, although I feel asleep in the 3rd period and clearly missed blogging saturday.

Today sat around and did nothing - just thought of things - instead of doing them. And now sitting watching TV while Paul is at hockey. And i'm okay with that, at least for right now, tomorrow could be a different story.


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